na INLIS000000000003284 20180320031336 0010-0318000218 ta 180320 g 1 ind 978-979-29-5847-8 899.213 899.213 RIZ t RIZKI DE THE LAST WINTER IN KOREA : Three stories from the winter,the third would be told,the snow would be end,the story would be last / RIZKI DE ed. 1 YOGYAKARTA : ANDI, 2016 vi + 330 hlm. ; 14 x 21 cm. Novel Daisie ayumu, dia sama seperti kebanyakan gadis kota lainnya,suka pesta,menghabiskan uang dan kencan 3141/APBD/2017 3142/APBD/2017 3143/APBD/2017 3144/APBD/2017 3144/APBD/2017 3141/APBD/2017 3142/APBD/2017 3143/APBD/2017 3141/APBD/2017 3142/APBD/2017 3143/APBD/2017 3144/APBD/2017